Entries by John Norton

We like Erica Anderson (Why Leadership Training Doesn’t Work)

Below is a quote from Why Leadership Training Doesn’t Work by Ercia Anderson, Forbes.com contributor, published 6/21/13. Check it out.
Think about it this way: becoming a better leader (or manager, or pipefitter, or ballet dancer) requires wanting to learn, then acquiring new behaviors and putting them into practice.  We know intuitively that you can’t become a prima ballerina

Gallup, WSJ, disengagement is a nasty thief

June 11 Melissa Korn wrote, “Gallup estimates that actively unhappy workers cost the U.S. $450 billion to $550 billion a year, due to high absenteeism and turnover, quality-control issues and lost productivity.
Employees at companies in growth mode tend to be more engaged than those at firms letting go of staff. It’s a virtuous circle, researchers

Lorem ipsum

Assertively enhance world-class total linkage after competitive portals. Intrinsicly utilize emerging meta-services without ubiquitous architectures. Completely orchestrate next-generation growth strategies for focused metrics. Quickly create bricks-and-clicks leadership skills without robust niches. Interactively underwhelm customized best practices whereas standardized markets.
Globally parallel task cross-media partnerships rather than interdependent leadership. Continually aggregate out-of-the-box solutions via wireless networks.

Does your Grit stink or do you have your Grit together?

It pleases me and speaks to the American Dream…  intelligence doesn’t make or break the bank. Probably, like in those economics riches-vs-happiness studies, we need a base intelligence. The rest is not in our smarts or attitudes–its in our GRIT. 
Business Insider followed up with a great article on Angela Duckworth’s Ted Talk
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